Monday, December 15
/Symphonic Band did a Monk Rehearsal, which means no talking from students as well as no talking from Mr. DeCaro! The group worked on expressive phrasing in Country Wildflowers and nailing down some rhythms in Basin Street Barbeque.
Concert Band. Solo and Ensemble forms were due today! Students should have their finished SMART goal for class on Tuesday the 16th and record their initial assessment by the end of the week. Rehearsal today focused on some style considerations in the Bach Prelude and Fugue in B-flat Major. We also sight read David Holsinger's Cluster, Fluster, Bluster March and played a section of The Gathering of the Ranks at Hebron.
6th Grade Band showed today why they have been having a great year. When it came time to play O Tannenbaum from the EE book, many minds went to the Christmas melody in their heads instead of reading the music in the book. After a refresher on the dotted-eighth, sixteenth note rhythm, the group did a great job adjusting to different tempos. Back row students will perform for class on Tuesday, January 6, and front row students will perform on Thursday, January 8. Students should select an exercise from page 14 through 17.
New Assignments – page 18, #91, and p. 42 measures 21-28